
Showing posts from May, 2021

Easy way to remove text watermark and background watermark to PDF


Easy way to add text watermark and background watermark to PDF for free


How can i extract pdf image resource to single long image file online fo...


How can i extract pdf image resource online for free?


How can i convert pdf page content to single long image file online for ...


How can i convert pdf page content to image files online for free?


How can i convert web content to pdf file online for free?


How can i convert text content file to pdf file online for free?


How can i convert ppt file to pdf file online for free?


How can i convert image files to pdf file online for free?


How can i convert html file to pdf file online for free?


How can i convert excel file to pdf file online for free?


How can i convert docx file to pdf file online for free?


How to remove PDF text watermark and background watermark for free?

Easy way to remove PDF text watermark and background watermark for free I want to remove the PDF text watermark and background watermark for free. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-remove-watermark . First, select the PDF file. example file :   ZPpBpXZJReO1Oo6EYRR8s0CSvGBtt1M8.pdf By default, we only delete the PDF text watermark. If you need to delete the image watermark or image mask at the same time, you can check the parameter " Remove picture background " (VIP required) . Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:     06QXWRNgyF8goPBj2QA12wmDUYp62Pbe.pdf Is it very simple?

How to add text watermark and background watermark to PDF for free?

Easy way to add text watermark and background watermark to PDF for free I want to add text watermark and background watermark to PDF for free. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-add-watermark . First, select the PDF file. example file :   文本文件.pdf   waterMark.png If the PDF file is protected, you need to enter the PDF password in the input field above the button to unlock the file. Set the text watermark on the parameter "PDF text watermark", text color will change parameter "PDF text watermark" color. If you need to set the page background watermark, please select the image watermark file "Choose background image" on the parameter (if the content is a picture, the background watermark will not be displayed). Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:     文本文件.zip Is it very simple?

How to change the definition and size of PDF

Easy way  to change the definition and size of PDF I want to change the definition and size of PDF. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-comp-qual . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用.pdf If the PDF file is protected, you need to enter the PDF password in the input field above the button to unlock the file. If you need to compress PDF files, set the parameter "compress or HD" to small or customize(The smaller the number is, the smaller the volume is, and the more blurred the content is). If you need to improve the clarity of PDF content, please turn up the parameter "compress or HD", and the corresponding file volume will become larger. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:     个人述职报告通用 - to HD.pdf   个人述职报告通用 - compress.pdf Is it very simple?

How to merge multiple PDF files online for free?

Easy way to merge multiple PDF files for free I want to merge multiple PDF files online for free. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-merge . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用.pdf   v2.pdf   cash_flow_statement1.pdf   文本文件.pdf Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:     个人述职报告通用 merge.pdf Is it very simple?

How to split PDF for free?

Easy way to split PDF for free I want to split a PDF file online. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-split . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用.pdf If the PDF file is protected, you need to enter the PDF password in the input field above the button to unlock the file. Then set the number of pages per PDF. For example, this sample file has 12 pages in total. I want to divide it into three parts, that is, 12 / 3 = 4, so the parameter is set to 4. If you need to specify the start page and end page, then the file will start from the start page. For example, this sample file has 12 pages in total. If you want to split it into three parts, starting from the second page and ending on the tenth page, then the number of pages per PDF is ((10 - 1) / 3) 3. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! start 2 end 10: Result file:    个人述职

How to remove PDF third party digital certificate?

Easy way to remove PDF third party digital certificate I want to remove the PDF third party digital certificate. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-decrypt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用-third party digital cert.pdf Choose PDF decryption as third party digital certificate decryption(VIP need). Then select a custom digital certificate and enter your digital certificate password. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! encrypt cert file(use this cert file to encrypt):   test.crt decrypt key file(use this key file to decrypt):   test.p12 Result file:    个人述职报告通用-remove third party digital cert.pdf Is it very simple?

How to encrypt PDF with third party digital certificate on the Internet?

Easy way to encrypt PDF with third party certificate certificate I want to encrypt a PDF file with a third party certificate. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-encrypt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用.pdf Choose PDF encryption as third party digital certificate encryption(VIP need). Then select a custom digital certificate and enter your digital certificate password. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Example x509 file, password is "123456". encrypt cert file:   test.crt decrypt key file:   test.p12 Result file:    个人述职报告通用-third party digital cert.pdf Is it very simple?

How to encrypt PDF with digital certificate on the Internet?

Easy way to encrypt PDF with digital certificate I want to encrypt a PDF file with a digital certificate. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-encrypt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用.pdf Choose PDF encryption as digital certificate encryption(VIP need). Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:    个人述职报告通用-digital cert.pdf Is it very simple?

How to remove PDF digital certificate?

Easy way to remove PDF digital certificate I want to remove the PDF digital certificate. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-decrypt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用-digital cert.pdf Choose PDF decryption as digital certificate decryption(VIP need). Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:    个人述职报告通用-remove digital cert.pdf Is it very simple?

How to remove PDF password?

Easy way to remove PDF password I want to remove the PDF password. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-decrypt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用-pwd 123456.pdf Choose PDF decryption as password decryption(Default), then  enter your password. Here I use "123456" as a password for example. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:    个人述职报告通用-remove pwd.pdf Is it very simple?

How to encrypt PDF free of charge with password on the Internet?

Easy way to encrypt PDF with password for free I want to encrypt a PDF file with a password for free. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-encrypt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   个人述职报告通用.pdf Choose PDF encryption as password encryption(Default), then  enter your password. Here I use "123456" as a password for example. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:     个人述职报告通用-pwd 123456.pdf Is it very simple? If you have a lot of files that need conversion or your file is larger than 10MB, you need to pay monthly to become a VIP.

How to convert PDF to TXT online for free?

Easy way convert PDF to TXT online for free I want to convert PDF to TXT online for free. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-txt . First, select the PDF file. example file :   txt and img.pdf If the PDF file is protected, you need to enter the PDF password in the input field above the button to unlock the file. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file:     txt and img.txt Is it very simple? If you have a lot of files that need conversion or your file is larger than 10MB, you need to pay monthly to become a VIP.

How to convert PDF to HTML online for free?

Easy way convert PDF to HTML online for free I want to convert PDF to HTML online for free. There is an easy way to do it, please open this website pdf-html . First, select the PDF file. example file :   txt and img.pdf If the PDF file is protected, you need to enter the PDF password in the input field above the button to unlock the file. Click the upload button at the bottom to start uploading, and wait for a while to process it. After processing, click the link above the button to save the file! Result file: Is it very simple? If you have a lot of files that need conversion or your file is larger than 10MB, you need to pay monthly to become a VIP.